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Microdermabrasion Facials (Crystal-Free) – Serum-Infusing Microdermabrasion



Crystal-free microdermabrasion is a state-of-the-art rejuvenation treatment used to gently resurface the skin to stimulate new cell growth by removing dead skin cells. Houston area cosmetic surgeon, Dr. Sumpter, through her staff clinical aesthetician offers this procedure to stimulate collagen, which plays a role in keeping skin firm and to improve circulation to the dermis for an improved appearance. This treatment is useful for reducing fine lines and wrinkles, unclogging and minimizing pores, repairing pigmentation issues and lightening scars. For best results, a patient will need a series of treatments.

With serum-infusing microdermabrasion, a specialized serum is used in conjunction with the microderm treatment. The serum is chosen based on a patient’s skin type, condition and issues the patient wants treated. For example, serums can be used to address fine lines, acne, dry skin, hyperpigmentation and more. Due to the microdermabrasion treatment, the serum is absorbed deeper into the skin for better-looking results. 


Microdermabrasion is perfect for those patients who experience:

  • dull, dry, rough skin.
  • acne prone or oily skin.
  • darkened and/or sun-damaged skin.
  • fine lines and wrinkles.
  • problems with overall texture of the skin.


With state-of-the-art crystal-free technology, this is a safe and gentle resurfacing therapy that removes dead skin cells and stimulates the body's natural production of new cells and skin firming collagen, and improves circulation to the dermis. This rapid fine exfoliant is designed to reduce fine lines and unclog and refine pores, and can lighten hyper-pigmentation and scars.

Lasting approximately 30 minutes, these treatments are quick and gentle, fitting nicely into your busy schedule. Treatments can be combined with most skin care regimens and complete a safe, comprehensive approach to skin care. A series of six to eight treatments is recommended for best results. We have several patients who have these treatments on a monthly basis.

The result is skin that is softer, smoother, and more uniform in appearance; feeling and looking fresh. Microdermabrasion can help minimize wrinkles, scars, sun damage, and active acne. That youthful glow can be recaptured from dull, lifeless skin with microdermabrasion. Microdermabrasion can be utilized on the face, hands, chest, shoulders, or back. Best of all, there is virtually no down time.


Using our crystal-free microdermabrasion machine with a special hydro wand attachment, a serum is selected based on your skin type, condition, or aspect you want treated. This process, performed in synchronization with microdermabrasion, allows the serum to penetrate deeper, increasing its effectiveness.

Serums can be chosen to treat acne, dry skin, fine lines from depleted collagen, hyper-pigmentation, and other common skin issues. Or you can choose to use a light vitamin serum filled with antioxidants to refresh and revive your skin.

Many options exist and can be customized for each patient. Our staff will work with you personally to create the best skin care regimen for you and your skin.


If you’re ready to bring back signs of life to your dull skin, you should contact our office to learn about microdermabrasion. We’ll walk you through the process, explain everything in detail and customize a treatment plan for your specialized skin needs. Contact our office today for a consultation.


Winds of Change Cosmetic Surgery
12827 Jones Rd
Houston, TX 77070
Phone: 281-894-9990
Fax: 281-894-9993

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